- Provide experiential learning opportunities and training to graduate, undergraduate and high school students.
- Provide academic advisement, research mentorship and financial assistantships to graduate students.
- Provide experiential learning and financial assistantships to undergraduate students to work with research scientists in the labs and in the field.
- Conduct academic courses in Biotechnology and Human Sustainability.
- Facilitate and provide academic advisement and training for the Dual Enrolment Program in Plant Biotechnology of Florida A&M University and Gadsden County School District.
- Provide mentoring and training of high school students in STEM disciplines.
Center for Viticulture Students Publications, Presentations and Awards/Recognitions 2021-2023:
Refereed publications:
- Ismail A, Darwish AG, Park M, Gajjar P, Tsolova V, Soliman KFA, El-Sharkawy I. (2022) Transcriptome profiling during muscadine berry development reveals the dynamic of polyphenols metabolism. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 818071.
- Park M, Vera D, Kambiranda D, Gajjar P, Cadle-Davidson L, Tsolova V, El-Sharkawy I. (2022) Chromosome-level genome sequence assembly and genome-wide association study of Muscadinia rotundifolia reveal the genetics of 12 berry-related traits. Horticulture Research 9: uhab011.
- Das PR, Darwish AG, Ismail A, Haikal AM, Gajjar P, Balasubramani SP, Sheikh MB, Tsolova V, Soliman KFA, Sherif SM, El-Sharkawy I. (2022) Diversity in blueberry genotypes and developmental stages enables discrepancy in the bioactive compounds, metabolites, and cytotoxicity. Food Chemistry 374: 131632.
- Campbell J, Gajjar P, Ismail A, Habibi F, Darwish AG, Tsolova V, Sarkhosh A, El-Sharkawy I. (2021) Determination of fertility-related traits in muscadinegrape population. Plants 10: 1175.
- Campbell J*, Sarkhosh A, Habibi F, Gajjar P, Ismail A, Tsolova V, El-Sharkawy I. (2021) Biometrics assessment of cluster- and berry-related traits of muscadine grape population. Plants
10: 1067.
- Campbell J*, Sarkhosh A, Habibi F, Gajjar P, Ismail A, Tsolova V, El-Sharkawy I. (2021) Evaluation of biochemical juice attributes and color-related traits in muscadine grape population.
Foods 10: 1101.
- Darwish AG, Das PR, Ismail A, Gajjar P, Balasubramani SP, Sheikh MB, Tsolova V, Sherif SM, El- Sharkawy I. (2021) Untargeted metabolomics and antioxidant capacities of muscadine grape genotypes during berry development. Antioxidants 10: 914.
Conference presentations:
Eniola Olaoye, Ahmed Darwish, Violeta Tsolova and Islam El-Sharakawy: "Determination of Fruit Volatile
Profiles in Muscadine Grape (Muscadinia rotundifolia) using HS-SPME-GC/MS", 2023 Annual FWGGA Conference, January 13-15, 2023, Deland,
Camden Kruis, Ahmed Darwish, Violeta Tsolova, and Allen Humphries, : "Bio-Conversion Study of
Muscadine Healthy Grape Compounds from Fruit, Pomace, and Wine for Added Value and
Increased Industry Revenue", 2023 Annual FWGGA Conference, January 13-15, 2023, Deland,
Awards and Recognitions:
M.S. student Eniola Olaoye
Award Winer and Recipient of Travel Scholarship from Urban Connoisseurs ( to attend the 3rd Annual Black Winemakers Summit in California.March 25-27, 2023.
- Award Winner and Recipient of the FL Grape Wine Growers Association (FWGGA)"Golden
Ticket Award" to attend and present her research at the Annual conference of the FWGGA
, January 13-15, 2023
B.S. student Camden Kruis
- Award Winner and Recipient of the FL Grape Wine Growers Association (FWGGA)"Golden Ticket Award" to attend and present her research at the Annual conference of the FWGGA , January 13-15, 2023