Preparing students to engage in international careers in the public, private and non-governmental sectors.
Preparing students to engage in international careers in the public, private and non-governmental sectors.


Minor in Global Agriculture Curriculum

Global Agriculture Minor Declaration Form


Global Agriculture Minor

The Global Agriculture Minor is a 15-credit program designed to prepare students to take advantage of the growing number of global opportunities in Agriculture. Agriculture and related science majors will enhance their academic experience through exposure to the unique characteristics of the global agriculture and food system. A minor in Global Agriculture will help prepare students to engage in international careers in the public, private and non-governmental sectors, such as:

U.S. Government 

Private Sector

International Non-Governmental Organizations

Internationalized Course Offerings


Global Seminar in Human Sustainability

The Global Seminar in Human Sustainability AGG 4420 - is a joint international course offered as part of a United States-European Union (US-EU) program. This course is taught utilizing a case study approach and incorporates traditional lectures, electronic chat sessions for course participants through Blackboard, and international video conferences with the U.S. and E.U. partner universities. The Global Seminar course offers students from the partner countries an opportunity to examine, discuss, and formulate positions on biotechnology, food safety, human nutrition issues. The course is offered during the Spring across partner institutions. (Insert Links to AGG 4420 Global Seminar)

AGG 4952: Service Learning in International Agriculture (Credit-Generating)

The Service Learning in International Agriculture course engages students from diverse disciplines in directed service-learning experiences abroad or in multicultural domestic environments. The course introduces students to a global, holistic, and cross-cultural approach to problem-solving development issues in agrarian-based communities.  Students will be required to assess, plan, implement, and reflect on the service activity in order to gain a greater understanding and application of disciplinary content.  Through participation in this course students will expand their worldview and social consciousness, while focusing on issues of global food security, food safety, trade, and international cooperation and development.  This course is offered during the Summer “A” term. (Insert Links to Study Abroad Page)




Harriett A. Paul, Director
Office of International Agriculture and Center for International Agricultural Trade Development Research and Training

204 South Perry Paige BLDG Tallahassee, FL 32307