The CIATDRT is a center in the State of Florida’s Institutes and Centers Program. It was established in academic year 2000-01 with a mission to provide training, research, and development assistance to public and private international organizations, particularly in the areas of: sustainable agriculture, small enterprise development, marketing, export enhancement, and international trade to improve the food security and economic status of limited resourced people globally.
Through the combined programs of the OIAP and the CIATDRT, the CAFS continues to build on a 50-year international agriculture tradition of “Excellence with Caring.”
The CIATDRT provides the leadership for the college’s international agricultural development assistance, research and training programs in developing and emerging economies. Our work is focused on developing and delivering food security, poverty alleviation, and economic growth programs for smallholder farmers and vulnerable populations, particularly women and youth, as well as medium-scale producers and processors. Our faculty, students, alumni, and other stakeholders are joined with us in carrying out these programs to provide international experiential learning for our students, international professional development for our faculty, and an opportunity to “give back” for our other stakeholders and supporters.