Industrial Hemp



Special Projects


Industrial Hemp

Research conducted with industry partners on industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) will lead to the development of a viable and sustainable industry in Florida. Objectives of the Industrial Hemp Project are:

  1. Evaluate industrial hemp species to determine their productivity and suitability under Florida condition.
  2. Evaluate agronomic traits, invasiveness and environmental impact of the hemp species.  
  3. Identify best management practices for commercialization of the hemp species.


Expected results include identifying hemp species that will thrive safely under Florida condition and identifying good production and management practices for growers. FAMU is engaged with the following industry partners in this project:

  • Green Earth Cannaceuticals (GEC)
  • Sunshine Hemp (SH)
  • Future Farm Technologies (FFT)



Stephen Leong, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research
Telephone: (850) 561-2129


Charles Weatherford, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Telephone: (850) 412-5102