
Join the program

" develop midshipmen morally, mentally, and physically"


The NROTC program provides young men and women the opportunity to develop mentally and physically through a combination of college education and military training. The program gives students the benefits of tuition free college, leadership training, and much more. The information and links below provide necessary and supplemental information for joining the NROTC program.

Available to high school students applying to, or first-semester college freshman enrolled in, any university that hosts an NROTC Unit. These scholarships are awarded to qualified individuals seeking to earn a commission in the United States Navy or United States Marine Corps.

The national screening process for this scholarship is online and highly competitive. The deadline to apply for the scholarship is December 31 of each year. Interested high school students are encouraged to apply early in their senior year of high school. Interested first-semester college freshmen from FSU, FAMU, or TSC are encouranged to contact NROTC FAMU Active Duty Staff as early in the semester as possible.

Apply | Requirements | Contact Us

1-, 2-, or 3-Year Sideload NROTC Scholarship (USN-USMC | FAMU-FSU-TSC)

The 1-, 2- and 3-Year Sideload Scholarship Program is open to any college student (College Program MIDN or non-affiliated student) with at least 30 college semester hours, but no more than 120 college semester hours of credits counting toward their degree, who wishes to compete for Scholarship or Advanced Standing. Only those nominees that are one or two years prior to graduation will be considered for Advanced Standing. Any 1- or 2-Year scholarship nominee who does not get selected for a scholarship will automatically be considered for Advanced Standing.

Apply | Requirements | Contact Us

Navy Nurse Corps NROTC Program (USN | FSU)

The Navy Nurse Corps program is available to students interested in pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (BSN). Upon graduation, Navy Nurse Program midshipmen are commissioned as Regular officers in the Navy Nurse Corps. Nurse NROTC eligibility is the same as the National Scholarship Program requirements. Navy Nurse Corps NROTC scholarship recipients are selected during either the National Scholarship CNSB or during the National 1-, 2- or 3-year Scholarship Board. Those interested in a four-year program apply through the National Scholarship Program. Those interested in a 1-, 2- or 3-year scholarship in the Navy Nurse Corps Program require a nomination from the local PNS. In the nomination package, the PNS must address the nominee’s nursing school admission status. The Navy Nurse NROTC Program is not for those pursuing any other medical program.

More Info | Apply | Requirements | Contact Us

College Program Basic Course (USN-USMC | FAMU-FSU-TSC)

The College Program is a non-scholarship opportunity to participate in Naval ROTC and begin your career as a Naval Officer. It is available to incoming freshmen and sophomores who did not receive a four-year National Naval ROTC Scholarship (Navy or Marine Corps). Students applying for the College Program must first gain admission to FAMU, FSU, or TSC and then complete and submit the Current College Program application to NROTC FAMU. If accepted, Basic College Program students will enroll in Naval Science courses and become full participants in NROTC FAMU. The Basic Course of the College Program is designed for those students with more than two years of college coursework remaining. While in the Basic Course, students have the status of civilians. Basic College Program students will be provided uniforms and Naval Science textbooks; however they are not eligible for commissioning into the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps, unless selected for Advanced Standing.

Download the College Program Application and email us the paperwork when completed.

College Program Advanced Course (USN-USMC | FAMU-FSU)

NROTC College Program students are considered to be in Advanced Standing if they are selected for Advanced Standing, accepted in the Advanced Course by the Professor of Naval Science, found physically qualified, and attend the third year of the Naval Science Course. NROTC College Program Advanced Standing includes the third and fourth year of Naval Science classes and First Class (1/C) summer training. Every student selected for the Advanced Course must enlist in the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve prior to commencing the Advanced Course. In return for enlistment and acceptance into the Advanced Course, the Navy will provide each Advanced Standing student uniforms, Naval Science textbooks, and a subsistence allowance for a maximum of 20 months. The NROTC College Program student, upon graduation and completion of Naval Science requirements, will be commissioned as an Ensign in the Navy or as a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps.



Affliate Schools

NROTC FAMU serves all midshipmen in Tallahassee. Students from FSU and TCC cross-enroll to FAMU to attend NROTC lectures.

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Florida State Univeristy

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Florida A&M University

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Tallahassee Community College




NROTC provides qualified students with various benefits throughout college and a guaranteed job afterwards.


Students interested in joining the NROTC program may apply for a NROTC scholarship or join as a College Program student.


Students participating in the NROTC balance their academic studies with their professional training.


After participating in NROTC FAMU for four years, midshipmen are ready to lead Sailors and Marines.



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